Image Sensors as Fast As Possible

Image sensors allow us to have amazing cameras in all types of devices, many of which are becoming smaller and smaller all the time... But what makes these sensors so darn impressive?

Image File Formats - JPEG, GIF, PNG

How Colour Depth Affects Image Quality as Fast As Possible

COLOUR DEPTH (or lack thereof) is often the culprit when you find distracting visual anomalies in video content, but because RESOLUTION gets marketed so heavily, while higher bitrates and better colour depth DON'T many people aren't aware of the issue!

HDR or High Dynamic Range as Fast As Possible

HDR or High Dynamic Range is a (mostly) photography technique that involves exposing an image multiple times to dramatically increase the performance of the camera's sensor.

Learn Photography - ISO Tutorial!

ISO is one of the most important aspect of photography. ISO is responsible for the image quality and the sensitivity of your image sensor. Bigger the ISO number more noisy the image will become and lesser the ISO number less noisy and sharper the image.

Learn Photography - Shutter Speed Tutorial!

Shutter Speed is the most important thing to understand in photography while using DSLR. Aperture, ISO are important but Shutter Speed is most essential to understand. As it defines whether or not your photos will come out blurry or perfectly freeze.

Learn Photography - Aperture Tutorial!

Aperture is one of the most important thing while learning photography. Aperture is responsible for blur, depth of field and sharpness of the Image.


My sister made this at home, just by watching this video. It tastes delicious and it will take some time in preparation. Once prepared, frying it is the easy part.

How to Make French Toast!! Classic Quick and Easy Recipe

French Toast is a delicious food for breakfast, evening snack. One must try this, as it is easy to cook and not at all require ingredients that are hard to find, especially in a country like India. There are so many small towns and cities in India, one can easily get the ingredients and start cooking.

What you'll need:
6 sliced Texas toast or thick cut bread
2 large eggs
1/4 cup milk or cream
1 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp cinnamon
pinch of salt
splash of vanilla extract
butter and vegetable oil for cooking